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- C.C
"You helped save my marriage! ...Your program has been so amazing and has really opened my eyes and I'm hopeful for the future." - C.C.
What others say
"I've become a better listener. And I've learned how to be more attuned to my husband's needs and to trust God to minister to my husband (because that's not my job!). In doing so, I've grown closer to my husband and to God. I've shifted from feeling like I need to protect myself to being more vulnerable and sharing my true heart's desires with my husband and I've watched my husband respond in loving and nurturing ways! It's been mind- blowing to experience!"
- K.M.
- K.W.
"This helped me to stay strong and not be a victim. We (me and my husband) were able to have some real honest communication. It gave me some great communication skills."
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